Margo Black participa da edição 2020 do Women In Insurance
A presidente da AMMS, Margo Black, vai participar da edição 2020 do tradicional evento “Women In Insurance” que será realizado em Londres nesta quarta-feira (18 novembro).
De acordo com a programação do evento, Margo Black – que participou da edição 2019 do evento, em Miami (EUA), estará presente no painel que abordará o tema “Assumindo um Risco – Como você promove a sua carreira”, com foco em questões como o fato de ficar na zona de conforto pode impedir a mulher de tentar algo novo e de prosperar na carreira e o que pode fazer depois de “chegar ao topo”.
Veja, abaixo, a programação completa:
Women in Insurance Fall Virtual Agenda
8:45 – 9:00 AM Registration & Virtual Orientation
9:00 – 9:05 AM Opening Remarks
9:05 – 9:30 AM Keynote: Learn to Lead with Confidence and Male Allyship (25 min)
Do you find yourself apologizing for no reason? Are you a perfectionist or people-pleaser? Tired of saying “yes” to everyone else’s demands of your time? Do you feel like your confidence is perceived as cockiness? Are you wondering how men can be part of the solution too?
• Why women over apologize and how we can switch out “apology-lingo” for leadership-lingo
• What we can learn from the differences between how men and women handle success and failure
• Unlocking the power in creating a support network with male and female allies
• How to deal with failures so you don’t internalize them
9:35 – 10:20 AM Panel: Taking a Risk – How do you Further Your Career (45 min)
It’s natural to want to stay in your comfort zone, but is fear preventing you from moving up or trying something new? Taking a risk can look different depending on where you are in your career; however it’s necessary for both organizations and individuals looking to stay relevant and thrive. Explore how top leaders in the industry have navigated risks in their career, and beyond insurance – what you can do once you’ve “hit the top.”
• Steps to manage risks and get out of your comfort zone
• How to stand out while working from your dining room table
• What can you do next to challenge yourself and grow as a leader?
• Using your talents to be heard: write a book, serve on a board, start a committee and beyond
• How to excel in your current position while remaining open to opportunities
10:25 – 10:45 AM Networking 101 (20 min)
We can all have a conversation, but how do you build meaningful, productive connections? In this session, you will learn about the art of listening and key tools you can implement to enrich both business and personal interactions. You will even have an opportunity to practice in a time of guided networking following the session.
• What is virtual networking – what does it look like?
• What have we learned from this culturally? How are things changing?
• What questions should you ask to build connections – both virtually and in-person?
• How do you go beyond a conversation and grow a relationship?
• How does networking look different in each stage of your career?
10:45 – 11:30 AM Networking & Coffee break (45 min)
11:30 – 12:15 PM Panel: How to Build a Successful Mentorship (45 min)
Studies show that strong mentor relationships can increase opportunities in the workplace, impacting promotions, pay raises and overall career success. From a business standpoint, companies that support mentoring show higher levels of employee loyalty, engagement and initiative. But how do you get paired with the right mentor? And as a mentor, will having a mentee actually benefit you? This panel will feature key mentors and their mentees as they share best practices & lessons learned –professionally and personally.
• The process for finding the right mentor/mentee: do’s and don’ts
• Dedication & time: is it worth it?
• Biggest topics discussed monthly
• Advice and biggest takeaways for mentees/mentors
• How to create and promote opportunities for cross-generational, diverse mentoring
Please note for this session, we are asking that the panel be made up of two pairs of mentors/mentees. If you have a strong mentor/mentee relationship – this might be a great fit!
12:20 – 12:40 PM Know Your Personal Brand (20 min)
Developing a strong personal brand is essential to developing as a leader. Are you consistently living your personal brand every day? What does it have to do with a successful career? This session will navigate the power of knowing your personal brand and tools for using it to grow and impact others as you lead in the workplace.
• How do I know my personal brand?
• Tools to articulate your personal brand at work
• How can you develop your position as a leader while working from home?
• Serving others vs. self-promotion
• Advice for continuing to develop your identity as a leader
12:40 – 1:25 PM Lunch break (45 min)
1:25 – 1:45 PM Approaching LinkedIn with a Strategy and the Gift of Social Reciprocity (20 min)
With increasing technology, no matter what your role is, there is an expectation to stay current and have an online presence definitely on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is rapidly influencing the face of the insurance industry, not just from a business perspective but also from a personal development standpoint. This session will examine how you can use LinkedIn to build your brand, develop powerful relationships, and how to really stand out from the competition.
• How to develop your LinkedIn professional career story as a vehicle for new opportunities
• Tips for attracting valuable professional interactions
• Advice for setting boundaries between LinkedIn (social media) and your work
• The importance of Social Reciprocity to earn trust
• How to gain credibility through thought leadership
1:50 – 2:35 PM Panel: Leading the Change (45 min)
In a very unique, transitioning insurance market, few would argue against the need for increased diversity in leadership. But how can we move this conversation forward in insurance? In an effort to build an authentically inclusive workplace, senior leaders will analyze the current status of the industry and how to advance diversity, equity and inclusion from discussion into action.
• Gender balance and the talent gap: Trends in the industry today
• What can we learn from the next generation’s approach equity in the workplace?
• Advice for how you can help support diversity in your workplace
• Innovation – where are we going in 2020?
2:35 – 3:15 PM Networking and Refreshments (40 min)
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